Monday, June 10, 2013

Day in the Life (Day 1)


Ok, so I am sitting in the Orlando airport waiting for my flight back to Jersey. Just looked up the weather and its not looking good. 60% chance of rain all day not the best way to do my first photo shoot and shirt unveiling but whatever ill overcome it and make it work. I am lucky enough to be able to do the shoot over a couple day span if the weather gets to hectic or do it inside if the weather really does not want to work with me.  I am pretty excited for everything and I have a few more ideas for designs. I have a few people give positive feed back on the designs and ideas and for the few people I have currently told about my social media pages they seem to like it. I plan on live tweeting during the shoot and I will spread the news more about the Facebook page after I get more then one photo on there. Hopefully I can get my videographer to film a behind the scenes look at the shoot and upload it to YouTube. I think I am going try out some of the earlier designed shirts and show off the first prototype shirt I made as well. Even though I am the one who set this all up I don’t know what to expect. Still I am excited and hope the photos turn out well. Never thought day one would be crazy then again I never really thought I would be having a photo shoot with cloths that I helped design. Well lets see what happens and go from there. I cannot wait!   

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